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اطلاعیه تحصیلات تکمیلی دانشگاه درباره ثبت نام دانشجویان کارشناسی ارشد ورودی 98::
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AWT IMAGEIran University of Science and Technology is committed to advance knowledge and educate students in the different fields of science and technology. IUST admitted its first students in 1932, and has now granted degrees to over 32,000 students.

Currently, the main branch as well as its’one branch in the city of Behshahr, benefit from more than 380 members of the academic board. More than 9,900 students are currently enrolled on the main campus, in specialized fields of engineering and sciences, from which 3030 are in Masters programs, and 670 are Ph.D students.

IUST’s fourteen schools and departments located on the main campus, northeast of Tehran, extend to 42 acres, and encompass numerous degree programs, laboratories, a main library, residential halls, mosque, administrative buildings, sport arenas, and especially a beautiful scenery where students can pursue their education in a comforting environment.

2016/06/22 - IUST stands 57 among Asian Top Universities

AWT IMAGEAccording to the results of 2016 Times Higher Education ranking of Asian universities issued on June 20, Iran University of Science and Technology stands at 57th place among 200 top Asian Universities, promoting 12 stands since 2015.

2015/11/16 - Forth International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials Engineering held at IUST

Forth International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials Engineering and 9th Joint Conference of the Iran Society of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering and the Scientific Society of Casting held in Iran University of Science and Technology on Nov. 10-11, 2015.

2015/10/4 - The 2nd Seminar and Workshop on New Approaches and Advanced Methodology of Research in Urbanism and Architecture
 AWT IMAGE  Hereby we announce that in the framework of scientific agreement between University of France and Iran University of Science and Technology, The 2nd Seminar and Workshop on New Approaches and Advanced Methodology of Research in Urbanism and Architecture will be held on the 5th and 6th of October, 2015 .

2015/09/27 - Max Planck Society and the German Research Foundation (DFG) visited Iran University of Science and Technology


Tehran, Sept 14, IUST – O n Monday 14th of September 2015 a delegation from Max Planck Society and DFG from Germany met the IUST Chancellor, the Board of Directors and a group of directors and heads of schools.

2015/03/9 - IUST faculty member Dr.Ali Akbar Jalali was recognized as the annual outstanding engineer
AWT IMAGE On the eleventh conference of “National Day of the Engineer”, Dr. Ali Akbar Jalali (Faculty member of IUST Electrical Engineering) presented as distinguished professor of engineering and was honored by the President

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